

hifive: 国産のWebクライアント開発フレームワーク

hifive は、HTML5で記述されたWebクライアント開発向けオープンソースフレームワークである。Backbone.jsやKnockout等最近多く出てきているJavaScript向けMV*フレームワークの一種であり、コードにMVC型の構造を与え、多人数で並列開発を行う際の記述の統一・ビュー/ロジックの分離・メンテナンス性の向上などを可能にする。   [ アーキテクチャ図 ] via infoq.com http://scalper.posterous.com/hifive-web

First Claimed Images of iPhone 5S Rear Shell Surface - Mac Rumors

The part is extremely similar to that from the iPhone 5, in line with Apple's pattern of maintaining a given body style for two generations before making more significant modifications. This iPhone 5S part is, however, distinctly different from its iPhone 5 counterpart in several ways, most obviously in the arrangement of the screw holes for attaching the logic board. Comparison of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 rear shells with logic board screw holes boxed in red via macrumors.com http://scalper.posterous.com/first-claimed-images-of-iphone-5s-rear-shell

Amazon Web Services Blog: AWS SDK for Node.js - Now Available in Preview Form

AWS SDK for Node.js - Now Available in Preview Form The AWS Developer Tools Team focuses on delivering the developer tools and SDKs that are a good fit for today's languages and programming environments. Today we are announcing support for the JavaScript language in the Node.js environment -- the new AWS SDK for Node.js . Node.js gives you the power to write  server-side applications in JavaScript. It uses an event-driven non-blocking I/O model to allow your applications to scale while keeping you from having to deal with threads, polling, timeouts, and event loops. You can, for example, initiate and manage parallel calls to several web services in a clean and obvious fashion. via aws.typepad.com http://scalper.posterous.com/amazon-web-services-blog-aws-sdk-for-nodejs-n-52553

Amazon Web Services Blog: AWS SDK for Node.js - Now Available in Preview Form

AWS SDK for Node.js - Now Available in Preview Form The AWS Developer Tools Team focuses on delivering the developer tools and SDKs that are a good fit for today's languages and programming environments. Today we are announcing support for the JavaScript language in the Node.js environment -- the new AWS SDK for Node.js . Node.js gives you the power to write  server-side applications in JavaScript. It uses an event-driven non-blocking I/O model to allow your applications to scale while keeping you from having to deal with threads, polling, timeouts, and event loops. You can, for example, initiate and manage parallel calls to several web services in a clean and obvious fashion. via aws.typepad.com http://scalper.posterous.com/amazon-web-services-blog-aws-sdk-for-nodejs-n

jsSHA - SHA Hashes in JavaScript

About jsSHA is a JavaScript implementation of the entire family of SHA hashes as defined in FIPS 180-2 (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512) as well as HMAC. Despite JavaScript not natively supporting 64-bit operations, SHA-384 and SHA-512 are even implemented! jsSHA is also 100% cross-browser compatible. via caligatio.github.com http://scalper.posterous.com/jssha-sha-hashes-in-javascript

Android SDK ツール リビジョン 21 - Google Japan Developer Relations Blog

Android 4.2 SDK  とともに、Android SDK ツール (リビジョン 21) の新規アップデートを公開しました。今回のアップデートには、アプリケーション製作の効率化に役立つ新しいツールや機能が含まれています。新しい マルチコンフィグ エディター や追加された Lint ルール はアプリケーションの迅速な開発を支援し、新しい UI テスト フレームワーク を利用することで、アプリケーションのテストや QA の自動化の選択肢の幅が広がります。初めて開発を行うデベロッパーには ワンクリック で行える SDK のダウンロード や新しい アプリケーション テンプレート が役に立つでしょう。 via googledevjp.blogspot.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/android-sdk-21-google-japan-developer-relatio

Boombot REX Ultraportable Speaker Lands On Kickstarter (video) | Geeky Gadgets

Source: Kickstarter via geeky-gadgets.com http://scalper.posterous.com/boombot-rex-ultraportable-speaker-lands-on-ki

巻き込まれたらタダじゃすまない? 土星の北極で巨大な「うずまき」を観測 : ギズモード・ジャパン

via gizmodo.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/170893538

Eli Bendersky's website » Life of an instruction in LLVM

LLVM is a complex piece of software. There are several paths one may take on the quest of understanding how it works, none of which is simple. I recently had to dig in some areas of LLVM I was not previously familiar with, and this article is one of the outcomes of this quest. What I aim to do here is follow the various incarnations an "instruction" takes when it goes through LLVM’s multiple compilation stages, starting from a syntactic construct in the source language and until being encoded as binary machine code in an output object file. This article in itself will not teach one how LLVM works. It assumes some existing familiarity with LLVM’s design and code base, and leaves a lot of "obvious" details out. Note that unless otherwise stated, the information here is relevant to LLVM 3.2. LLVM and Clang are fast-moving projects, and future changes may render parts of this article incorrect. If you notice any discrepancies, please let me know and I’ll do my best

GNU grep is 10x faster than Mac grep

Before: mozilla-central$ which grep /usr/bin/grep mozilla-central$ time git ls-files -z | xargs -0 grep foobar > /dev/null real 0m19.583s user 0m18.853s sys 0m0.722s After: mozilla-central$ which grep /opt/local/bin/grep mozilla-central$ time git ls-files -z | xargs -0 grep foobar > /dev/null real 0m1.386s user 0m0.754s sys 0m0.613s via jlebar.com http://scalper.posterous.com/gnu-grep-is-10x-faster-than-mac-grep

WebTCP: Making TCP connections from Browser - Artem Yankov

via artemyankov.com http://scalper.posterous.com/webtcp-making-tcp-connections-from-browser-ar

Thoughts on Technology: Raspberry Pi vs MK802

MK802 Raspberry Model B Processor 1.5ghz 1.0ghz RAM 1 gig 512 meg Internal Storage 4 gig None USB Ports One Two Networking Wireless Wired Video Out HDMI Mini HDMI, RCA Audio Out HDMI HDMI, 3.5m Storage Micro SD SDHC Size 8.8 x 3.5 x 1.2 cm 8.560 cm × 5.4 cm Cost+Shipping to US 38.50 43.33 via jeffhoogland.blogspot.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/thoughts-on-technology-raspberry-pi-vs-mk802


MicrosoftのInternet Explorer PMである Jatinder Mann氏 は、BUILD 2012で HTML5アプリとサイトを高速化する50のパフォーマンストリック というセッションで、Webアプリケーションを高速化する多くのチップスを提供した。 Mann氏が提供したアドバイスは、以下の6つの原則を中心に構成されていた。 via infoq.com http://scalper.posterous.com/web50

ZyngaScroller by TimHeckel

jQuery.zyngaScroller.js is a jQuery plugin that wraps the excellent Zynga Scroller as a simple jQuery plugin with a couple new additions: (1) Real-time collaboration is now possible by leveraging the SignalR hook baked into the jQuery.signalRamp.js plugin, and (2) the version of EasyScroller.js that this project uses is different than the original Zynga Scroller with collaboration hooks and support for IE8 and above. via timheckel.github.com http://scalper.posterous.com/zyngascroller-by-timheckel

pyMCU - The Python Controlled Microcontroller

pyMCU via pymcu.com http://scalper.posterous.com/pymcu-the-python-controlled-microcontroller

圧縮空気で走るバイク:最高時速は140km « WIRED.jp

Photo: James Dyson Award/O2 Pursuit オーストラリアで工学を学ぶ大学院生ディーン・ベンステッドのプロジェクトである「 O2 Pursuit 」は、車載タンクに蓄えられている圧縮空気で走るバイクだ。 このプロジェクトは、まず 圧縮空気ロータリー・エンジン から始まり、それを中心にモトクロス用のダート・バイクを組み立てたものだ。フレームには「Yamaha WR250R」を使用し、後輪には動力を供給するスキューバダイビングのタンクと25ポンドのエンジンが追加されている。 スロットル・レバーを握ると空気が放出されてバイクが加速する。その性能は素晴らしい。O2 Pursuitはタンク満タンでの 走行距離がおよそ100km で、 最高時速は約140km に達するという。 via wired.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/140km-wiredjp

Blue Launches Spark Digital, The World’s First iPad Condenser Microphone | Geeky Gadgets

Blue Spark Digital condenser microphone provides users with zero-latency headphone output, and is fitted with volume and gain controls, as well as instant mute, similar to its other microphones. via geeky-gadgets.com http://scalper.posterous.com/blue-launches-spark-digital-the-worlds-first

Overview | Sphero

20+ Apps! With over 20 apps now available for Sphero, you'll never run out of ways to play. Check out our collection of the top Sphero apps . Made For Requires iOS 4.0+ or greater or Android devices with operating system 2.2 or greater. Please see our Compatibility Page for a complete list. Sphero Details Sphero is an Orbotix Smart Robot on the inside and an opaque, high-impact polycarbonate shell on the outside. It's even waterproof. Induction Charger Over an hour of full throttle play with cable-free induction charging. Simply set Sphero in his cradle to recharge. For The Geeks With speeds of up to 3ft per second and a 50ft plus range, Sphero's Bl

Mimo Magic Touch brings touchscreen finesse to OS X - SlashGear

Apple users working with their untouchable Mac computers will be pumped up to see that Mimo Monitors have brought forth a brand new USB powered-and-connected 10.1-inch monitor that works with OS X like a charm! This Mimo Magic Touch monitor is the first of many models that’ll be offered by Mimo Monitors ready to rock with OS X with just a download of a special driver. This model also works with Windows 7 and can be used as a display-only unit for Windows XP, Vista, and 2000. The Mimo Magic Touch is the first model released by Mimo Monitors to be assured readiness to work with the official Mac OS X Touchscreen Driver distributed by Mimo Monitors as well. This driver works with Intel Macs only and is compatible with systems up to and including OS X Mountain Lion. The driver, incidentally, is an alpha release – but once the final version is ready for action, you’ll get that upgrade for free. via slashgear.com http://scalper.posterous.com/mimo-magic-touch-brings-touchscreen

革命的なサラダの食べ方...って、これクルトン? : ギズモード・ジャパン

盲点だったわ。 まさか クルトンをコーン にしてしまうなんて...。 via gizmodo.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/167895093

Off Canvas Menu with CSS :target | CSS-Tricks

"Off Canvas" patterns are different ways to approach layout where content on the web isn't just laid out in a vertical column. For instance, navigation could be positioned hidden off the left edge of the "canvas" (visible browser window) and slid in on demand. Anthony Colangelo created jPanelMenu to do just that. Hakim El Hattab's Meny is fancier but similar in what it accomplishes. They both use JavaScript. I thought it would be fun to try and recreate Anthony's jPanelMenu using only CSS. It's do-able - with several advantages and disadvantages. View Demo via css-tricks.com http://scalper.posterous.com/off-canvas-menu-with-css-target-css-tricks

MAKE: Japan : Heatit - マイクロコントローラーにもっと電流を

Arduinoが汎用電子プロトタイピングツールであることはみんな知ってるけど、高い電流を扱えないという欠点がある。それに対応すべく、デザイナーとプログラマーのチームが、 Heatit を開発した。これはオープンソースのボードで、デザインの最終ステージではArduinoをベースにしているが、12ボルト500ミリアンペアの出力を8系統備えている。この出力ピンは、結合させることでさらに大きな電流を得ることができる。 via jp.makezine.com http://scalper.posterous.com/make-japan-heatit

PowerVRのイマジネーションがMIPSを買収、ARMに対抗へ - Engadget Japanese

モバイルGPUのPowerVRで知られるイマジネーション(Imagination Technology)が、CPUのMIPSを買収することで合意に達したと発表しました。総額は6000万ドル。イマジネーションはMIPSの事業と従業員に加えて、MIPSが保有する特許580件のうちCPUコアにかかわる主要特許82件を獲得するとしています。 それ以外の498特許については業界コンソーシアムBridge Crossing LLCが3億5000万ドルで購入し、イマジネーションは無料で無期限の使用ライセンスを得ます。流れとしては、まずMIPSが498の特許をBridge Crossingに売却し、そのあとで別の取引としてイマジネーションがMIPSコア主要特許82件とMIPS社を購入するかたち。 via japanese.engadget.com http://scalper.posterous.com/powervrmipsarm-engadget-japanese

Minix NEO G4 Dual Core Android Mini PC Now Available For $76 (video) | Geeky Gadgets

A new Android mini PC has been launched on to the market this week in the form of the Minix NEOG G4 which is now available to purchase for just $76, and is powered by a Rockchip RK3066 dual core processor. The Rockchip RK3066 dual core processor within the Minix NEOG G4 Android mini PC is supported by 1GB of RAM and comes with 8GB of internal storage. The Minix NEOG G4 comes supplied running Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) operating system, but an update to support Google’s latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system is currently under development and is expected to be released very soon. Other features of the Minix NEOG G4 include HDMI and USB ports, for direct conniption to your HDTV, with wireless 802.11b/g/n connectivity and a microSD card slot also available for extra 32GB of storage when required. But unfortunately due to the use of a Rockchip RK3066 dual core processor Linux is not supported on the devices as yet. via geeky-gadgets.com http://scalper.post

AMD Puts Servers, Datacenters in a Piledriver with Opteron 6300 Series Processors | Maximum PC

AMD's Opteron 6300 chips operate at a base frequency of up to 3.5GHz (Opteron 6308) and a Turbo frequency of up to 3.8GHz (Opteron 6328). Half of the 10 available Opteron 6300 Series processors are 16-core parts, two are 12-core chips, another two feature 8 cores, and one of them is a quad-core part. AMD says its new server CPUs are the only x86 processors to support ultralow voltage (ULV) 1.25v memory. Pricing for the Opteron 6300 Series runs from $293 to $1,392. via maximumpc.com http://scalper.posterous.com/amd-puts-servers-datacenters-in-a-piledriver

Dropbox-as-a-Database | The Opa Blog

We live in the as-a era. IaaS, SaaS, PaaS. Even Database-as-a-Service where companies offer SQL and NoSQL database management systems hosted online. We played with the concept a bit, and, in an era which is also the one of cloud storage with Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Skydrive and the like, we wondered why applications and services shouldn't just use our cloud storage account to store our data. Why everything should be centralized? Why all applications and services behave like Mega and not like BitTorrent? That's why we introduced in Opa 1.0.7 a new database back-end working on top of Dropbox. If you're new to Opa , you can read this introduction , but as the syntax should look familiar, you should still understand the code without any prior knowledge of Opa. via blog.opalang.org http://scalper.posterous.com/dropbox-as-a-database-the-opa-blog

MAKE: Japan : マグナス効果飛行ロボット

マグナス効果とは「流体中を回転しながら移動する球や円柱の進行方向が変化する現象.(中略)最初は弾道学上の問題で,1852年にドイツのH,G. Magnusが法則化した」(法則の辞典・朝倉書店より)。検索すると、野球や卓球やバレーボールのサイトで、変化球の理論のひとつとして説明されてます。これを小型飛行ロボットの揚力発生に利用したのが、電通大の「UEC2012 Magnus」。翼が筒になっていて、それをウイーンと回転させて浮上します(推力源は前面のプロペラ)。10月13日に開催された 全日本学生室内飛行ロボットコンテスト に登場した模様。ほかにも、面白そうな飛行体がいっぱいです。 via jp.makezine.com http://scalper.posterous.com/make-japan-30558

Build your own FPGA - Nick's Blog

The Open 7400 Logic Competition is a crowd-sourced contest with a simple but broad criteria for entry: build something interesting out of discrete logic chips. It's now in its second year, and this time around I was inspired to enter it. Discrete logic, for anyone who isn't familiar, are any of a number of families of ICs who each perform a single, usually fairly straightforward, function. Typical discrete logic ICs include basic logic gates like AND, OR and NAND, Flip-Flops, shift registers, and multiplexers. For smaller components like gates and flipflops, a single IC will usually contain several independent ones. As you can imagine, building anything complex out of discrete logic involves using a lot of parts; these days they're typically used as 'glue' logic rather than as first-class components, having been largely supplanted by a combination of specialised devices, microcontrollers, and FPGAs. Building a microcontroller or CPU out of discrete logic

Designing Javascript APIs - Filepicker.io

Designing Javascript APIs We at Filepicker.io spend a lot of time thinking about APIs. With the release of our Version 1.0 javascript API, we thought about best practices for javascript API design, and wanted to share them so that when we use your API, it’ll be just as awesome as when you use ours. Rules of your Javascript API via blog.filepicker.io http://scalper.posterous.com/designing-javascript-apis-filepickerio

[Exclusive] Android 4.2 Alpha Teardown, Part 2: SELinux, VPN Lockdown, And Premium SMS Confirmation

We've got an LG Nexus system dump and endless desire to spoil every Googley surprise we can. Today's edition of the Android 4.2 Teardown could be alternatively subtitled "The Super-Serious Security Edition," because we're talking about the sort of stuff that should make your sysadmin jump for joy. Please keep in mind this is just as forward-facing and time-ambiguous as all my other teardowns . This is a list of new stuff in the 4.2 dump, not a list of "confirmed for 4.2" features. Anything could be cut or not fully implemented by the time 4.2 rolls around; similarly to how bits of Android are currently multi-user aware , yet multi-user functionality isn't accessible. Some of this stuff may make it to 4.2, but probably not all of it. Got it? Good. Now, get ready for a HUGE security push. I recently revealed the Play Store was getting "App Check," a client-side malware scanner , and Google already has " Bouncer " a server-side ma


Today's release includes everything necessary to build and deploy secure applications using Meteor: New authentication APIs on the server: a Meteor.allow API that controls which data a Meteor client is allowed to change in the database, and hooks that give the Meteor server control over what data it sends to each client. These core APIs operate at the wire protocol layer, so they establish a strong foundation for security. Meteor Accounts , a state-of-the-art user account system built on top of the core Meteor authentication APIs. Accounts provides a set of high-level APIs to manage user accounts, which are stored in the Meteor.users collection. Support for the Secure Remote Password protocol . Developed at Stanford, SRP lets a user securely log in to a server without ever sending that server their unencrypted password. The kind of high-profile security breaches at LinkedIn and Pandora earlier this year are impossible with SRP. Instead of asking every

Fuhu Nabi 2 Kids Android Tablet Gets Rooted And Google Play Access | Geeky Gadgets

The Fuhu Nabi 2 Android tablet is powered by a Tegra 3 processor supported by 1GB RAM, and runs Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) operating system, all protected in a rugged case designed for use by children. Now the team over at XDA have now released a root for the Fuhu Nabi 2 tablet which enables access to Google’s Play Store allowing you to enjoy the ability to download and run additional apps. via geeky-gadgets.com http://scalper.posterous.com/fuhu-nabi-2-kids-android-tablet-gets-rooted-a

FunTab Pro Kids Android 4.0 Tablet Launches For $150 | Geeky Gadgets

The FunTab Pro is equipped with a 7 inch 800 x 480 resolution touchscreen display and is powered by a 1GHz processor supported by 1GB of RAM, and runs Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) operating system. Its also fitted with a HDMI port and microSD card slot for expansion, rear and front-facing cameras, Wi-Fi connectivity, and the tablet comes encased in a protective rubberised case, together with a kid friendly interface for navigation throughout its applications. via geeky-gadgets.com http://scalper.posterous.com/funtab-pro-kids-android-40-tablet-launches-fo

Viewsonic TD2220 Dual Point Touchscreen Optical Display Announced | Geeky Gadgets

The Viewsonic TD2220 provides full high definition 1080p resolution viewing, 20,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, a 5ms response time, and is fitted with VGA, HDCP and DVI ports. Other features of the Viewsonic TD2220 include integrated speakers with SRS Premium Sound, together with a USB HID Touch driver which comes equipped with 2 x USB ports, enabling you to connect your keyboard and mouse if desired. Erik Willey, LCD monitor and PC product marketing director at ViewSonic explains: “The TD2220 is designed to serve the needs of commercial verticals such as kiosk and information desks where touch functionality is required, as well as for consumers who want a touch-enabled display,”-“This is because of the TD2220’s dual point optical touch technology, which offers a highly accurate touch experience. Paired with its superior performance and durable 8H surface, this display will stand up to most any high traffic environment.” The Viewsonic TD2220 is arriving in stores later this month a

Photo capture, manipulation, and upload in iOS6 Safari - port3000

iOS 6 Safari not only adds file uploads through <input type="file">, but also gives us direct access to image data with the FileReader API. This combination allows for a load of functionality in the client that was only previously possible with a native app. via port3000.co.uk http://scalper.posterous.com/photo-capture-manipulation-and-upload-in-ios6

WebPlatform.org — Your Web, documented

Opening the Web Platform We are an open community of developers building resources for a better web, regardless of brand, browser or platform. Anyone can contribute and each person who does makes us stronger. Together we can continue to drive innovation on the Web to serve the greater good. It starts here, with you. via www1.webplatform.org http://scalper.posterous.com/webplatformorg-your-web-documented

Japan Trend Shop | iBell iPhone Alarm Clock Cradle

It works like a cradle, charging up your phone if you connect it to an AC adapter. There is also a mini version, which is just a bell "head" that you can connect to your phone to transform the ringing sound of your phone. Both the iBell and iBell mini come in different colors as well. The iBell features: iBell (cradle) or iBell mini iBell colors: black, white iBell mini colors: black, white, pink, orange, blue Please choose whether you would like the iBell or iBell mini, and which color, in the menu below iBell size: 75 x 145 x 105mm (3 x 5.7 x 4.1") iBell mini size: 38 x 100 x 38mm (1.5 x 4 x 1.5") iBell weight: 195g (6.9 oz) iBell mini weight: 50g (1.8 oz) Materials: ABS, metal Instructions: Japanese (but self-explanatory) No batteries required Requires app to download to use with iPhone alarm via japantrendshop.com http://scalper.posterous.com/japan-trend-shop-ibell-iphone-alarm-clock-cra


初対面の相手でも気まずい沈黙が流れないようにする7つの会話術 : ライフハッカー[日本版] ■その瞬間、お互いに共通の話題について話す ■一般的に興味のありそうな話題について話す ■一言では答えられないような質問をする ■一言で答えられそうな質問をしたら、続けてそれに関する質問をする ■情報交換ができるような質問をする ■相手の答えには必ず何かしらのリアクションをとる ■合わない相手だとあきらめる http://scalper.posterous.com/164623731

MAKE: Japan : Kickstarterがルールを変更。それがMakerにもたらす意味とは

Kickstarterも、指摘されていたのと同じ問題を気にかけていたようで、製品デザインやハードウェアプロジェクトに関するガイドラインを書き替えた。変更点の中には次のようなものがある。 リスクと課題 - プロジェクト製作者には、想定される「リスクと課題」と、その対処方法を申告することになった。 シミュレーションとレンダリングの禁止 - プロジェクトのシミュレーションやレンダリング画像での公開は禁止。掲載できるのは、現時点でできている限りの内容を示すプロトタイプの写真のみ。 抱き合わせの禁止 - 複数のものをセットにして謝礼品とすることを禁止。 via jp.makezine.com http://scalper.posterous.com/make-japan-kickstartermaker


Emacs for Xcode+ios Development Setup Emacs for XCode+iOS development The current document has been written after being tested on Emacs 24 with XCode 4.4 and iOS SDK 5.1 with Mac OS X Mountain Lion. All github repositories have been forked for modifications and also so that this document remains valid even after they have changed, but the credits go to the respective authors. Table of Contents Automatic iOS Framework method implementations using YASnippet and auto-complete in Emacs YASnippet Auto-complete XCode pragma marks in Emacs Source code browsing and viewing Framework definitions using etags XCode documentation search and viewing inside Emacs Debugging on Simulator and on Devices Xcode project management from the command line http://scalper.posterous.com/164569457


Home - Autographer - The World's First Wearable camera   Photography Reinvented Autographer is a new type of camera which has been custom built to enable spontaneous, hands-free image capture. Its world leading technology includes a custom 136° eye view lens, an ultra small GPS unit and 5 in-built sensors. These sensors are fused by a sophisticated algorithm to tell the camera exactly the right moments to take photos. You've never met a camera like this before. http://scalper.posterous.com/164569146

j2objc - A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime. - Google Project Hosting

J2ObjC is an open-source command-line tool from Google that translates Java code to Objective-C for the iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. This tool enables Java code to be part of an iOS application's build, as no editing of the generated files is necessary. The goal is to write an app's non-UI code (such as data access, or application logic) in Java, which is then shared by web apps (using GWT ), Android apps, and iOS apps. J2ObjC supports most Java language and runtime features required by client-side application developers, including exceptions, inner and anonymous classes, generic types, threads and reflection. JUnit test translation and execution is also supported. J2ObjC is currently between alpha and beta quality. Several Google projects rely on it, but when new projects first start working with it, they usually find new bugs to be fixed. Apparently every Java developer has a slightly different way of using Java, and the tool hasn't translated all possible paths

About | The Gadget Flow

The Gadget Flow is part of Cloudie Network . This website is the 6th Addition to our Network and it was designed by Evan the founder of Cloudie. Behind the scenes Mike Chliounakis, Evan Varsamis and Cassie Ousta are constantly adding content to the website in order to be updated daily. The goal is to compete other gadget websites by showcasing only high quality products/items that most of the people will find useful. The launch date was August 15 2012 and the first day we had about 9.000 people visiting our website and tweeting our posts. Interested on showcasing your gadgets? Contact us:) For advertising quotes submit a ticket and we ll get back to you within 24 hours. via thegadgetflow.com http://scalper.posterous.com/about-the-gadget-flow

自社サービスの機能を簡単にAPIで提供出来てしまう!gem doorkeeperが凄い。 - @camelmasaの開発日記

gem doorkeeperってどんな機能があるのか? 簡単に説明すると、 ・ アプリケーション の管理機能 ・ アプリケーション の承認管理 ・スコープの設定 いってしまえば、 Facebook API (に近い実装)そのまま実装出来ます。 しかもOAuth2.0を利用できます! ← 超重要 via d.hatena.ne.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/apigem-doorkeeper-camelmasa

Parallella: A Supercomputer For Everyone | Parallella

PARALLELLA LAUNCHES AT 6pm, on September 27th Initiative to Bring a $99 Parallel Supercomputing Platform to the Masses   LEXINGTON, MA – September 27, 2012– Adapteva, a semiconductor start-up company, today announced the Parallella Kickstarter project to build an open and affordable, credit card-sized supercomputing platform that offers a 50x performance boost over existing open hardware platforms like Raspberry Pi. The truly disruptive performance leap of the Parallella computer is enabled by Adapteva’s 16-core and 64-core Epiphany microprocessor chips that lead the world in processor energy efficiency. via parallella.org http://scalper.posterous.com/parallella-a-supercomputer-for-everyone-paral


壇上に座る先生らしき人物のセリフ。 「公平に選ぶために、全員に同じ試験をします。 :そこにある木に登ってください」 それぞれ得手不得手はあるのに学校の試験は画一的で、全員が同じものさしで測られている、と言うことのようです。 今の日本の教育システムも同じようなところはあるんじゃないでしょうか。 via labaq.com http://scalper.posterous.com/1q

ワシのなつやすみ 公式サイト

via hyogonosuke.com http://scalper.posterous.com/164455322

Futaba 0.22mm Flexible OLED Watch Concept » Geeky Gadgets

Futaba has unveiled a new concept watch it has created that includes an ultra thin flexible OLED screen that measure just 0.22mm in thickness, and can be complete bet around your wrist to wear. The OLED display on the concept watch is 3.5 inches in size and provides a resolution of 256 x 64 pixels and a brightness is 100 cd/m2, together with full color support. Due to the new OLED watch being just a concept at the moment very few details have been released about the watches inner working and the technology used, and no details have been released on the watches power supply and charge life. via geeky-gadgets.com http://scalper.posterous.com/futaba-022mm-flexible-oled-watch-concept-geek

PandaBot 3D Printer Lands On Kickstarter (video) » Geeky Gadgets

The PanadaBot 3D Printer is currently available to pledge for $800, and has been designed to bring high quality affordable 3D printing to consumers. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the PanadaBot 3D Printer project and see it in action. “Over the past 9 months we’ve designed and built our prototype printer. Since it’s designed as a manufactured product, construction techniques and materials were chosen to make it exceptionally stable, robust, and quiet. Fully encased in metal, the PandaBot is very rigid and quiet. Our design isn’t as susceptible to vibration induced errors as other printers designed to be hand assembled. We’ve proven this by going from the back of a taxi to successfully printing on live national TV with no adjustments in less than 5 minutes.” If you think the PandaBot 3D Printer is something you could benefit from, visit the Kickstarter website now to make a pledge and help PandaBot 3D Printer become a reality, or just to learn more about the p

目の視力を上げるトレーニング方法。1日で視力が回復するかも? - NAVER まとめ

5分で視力回復トレーニングの方法とは? テレビでも話題となった方法ですね。 ①目を強くつぶり10秒上を見る ②目を強くつぶり下・右・左と10秒繰り返す ③指の先端を目で追う運動 (顔は動かさない) 自分で行う場合 ∞の字を3回指で描き目で追う ④指を奥から手前へ3回動かして目を追う 上記の手順で行います。 via matome.naver.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/1-naver

Twitter発のドアラ型イヤホンジャックがついに登場! でもこれすごいじゃま - ガジェット通信

10月5日よりニコニコ直販で予約開始 たった1枚の絵からはじまった企画であるが、実際にできあがってみるとなんとも不思議なものである。『Twitter』に投稿された段階からコンセプトが「すごいじゃまであること」だったとしか思えないこのイヤホンジャックは本日より『ニコニコ直販』で予約開始だ。どうしても欲しいという方は予約しよう。 via getnews.jp http://scalper.posterous.com/twitter-19351

[N] HDMIに接続する5,000円のAndroidパソコン「MiniPC(MK802)」

液晶ディスプレイや液晶テレビなどのHDMIに接続して使用する「 MiniPC(MK802) 」というAndroidのパソコンがありました。なるほど、これは面白いカモ! これがPC本体で、ほとんど場所をとらない訳ですね。OSはAndroid 4.0で、USB経由でマウスやキーボードを接続することができます。メモリは1GB搭載。 実は眠っている液晶ディスプレイが1台あるのですよね‥‥これを接続すれば、YouTube再生マシンになったりするな。 Amazonや楽天市場でも購入可能で、価格は4,980円です。このリーズナブルな感じがたまりませんね!! via netafull.net http://scalper.posterous.com/n-hdmi5000androidminipcmk802

iOS 6 UINavigationControllerのAutorotate

プログラミング雑記: iOS 6 UINavigationControllerのAutorotate iOS6ではshouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:メソッドが廃止され、代わりにsupportedInterfaceOrientationsメソッドとshouldAutorotateメソッドを使うようになっています。 ところが最初のViewControllerをUINavigationControllerにしているアプリでは、他のViewControllerにこれらのメソッドを実装しても有効になりません。(shouldAutorotateが呼ばれない。) このようなアプリの場合は次のようにすると回転を制御できるようになります。 UINavigationControllerのサブクラスを作り、起動時のUINavigationControllerのクラスをそれに替える。 上記サブクラスにsupportedInterfaceOrientationsメソッドとshouldAutorotateメソッドを実装する。 一部の画面だけ縦・横の回転を行えうようにする場合、このサブクラスのsupportedInterfaceOrientationsが返す値を画面に応じて変更する。 実装例: @interface MyNavigationController : UINavigationController @end @implementation MyNavigationController - (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {     if ([[self.viewControllers lastObject] isKindOfClass:[RotatableViewController class]]) {          return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown;     } else {         return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;     } } - (BOOL)shouldAutorotate {     return YES; } @end shouldAutor