ZyngaScroller by TimHeckel

jQuery.zyngaScroller.js is a jQuery plugin that wraps the excellent Zynga Scroller as a simple jQuery plugin with a couple new additions: (1) Real-time collaboration is now possible by leveraging the SignalR hook baked into the jQuery.signalRamp.js plugin, and (2) the version of EasyScroller.js that this project uses is different than the original Zynga Scroller with collaboration hooks and support for IE8 and above.



Belkin、コンパクトながら100W PD充電に対応した4ポートUSB-Cハブ「Connect USB-C to 4ポートUSB-Cハブ」を発売

温暖化で海面上昇するとどこが水没するか一発で分かる地図「Flood Maps」レビュー、未来の日本の海岸線はどうなっているのか?
