Dropbox-as-a-Database | The Opa Blog

We live in the as-a era. IaaS, SaaS, PaaS. Even Database-as-a-Service where companies offer SQL and NoSQL database management systems hosted online.

We played with the concept a bit, and, in an era which is also the one of cloud storage with Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Skydrive and the like, we wondered why applications and services shouldn't just use our cloud storage account to store our data. Why everything should be centralized? Why all applications and services behave like Mega and not like BitTorrent?

That's why we introduced in Opa 1.0.7 a new database back-end working on top of Dropbox. If you're new to Opa, you can read this introduction, but as the syntax should look familiar, you should still understand the code without any prior knowledge of Opa.



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