HTTP/2.0 — The IETF is Phoning It In

HTTP/2.0 — The IETF is Phoning It In:

A very long time ago —in 1989 —Ronald Reagan was president, albeit only for the final 19½ days of his term. And before 1989 was over Taylor Swift had been born, and Andrei Sakharov and Samuel Beckett had died. via Pocket


Belkin、コンパクトながら100W PD充電に対応した4ポートUSB-Cハブ「Connect USB-C to 4ポートUSB-Cハブ」を発売

温暖化で海面上昇するとどこが水没するか一発で分かる地図「Flood Maps」レビュー、未来の日本の海岸線はどうなっているのか?
